Politically Incorrect Christianity

Political Correctness inside the church. 
Political correctness inside the nation.
What it does.  Who it effects - and why. 
The goal of this site is to educate about the dangers of becoming non-convict able via a nation and church that is becoming more feelings oriented than truth oriented.

Are you politically correct?

Another goal of this site will be to expose the words of political correctness that effectively remove accountability.

Fear and PC

Who we fear constrains who we have the courage to defend because fear itself is The basis for courageousness.  That being said,  political correctness harvests our fears.  To what end?  To fear men (government) above God.  This is the very reason for being politically INcorrect because if we do not take a stand for and be courageous for an absolute correctness we will become deprived of anything factual (even unknowingly over time) inside government-correctness. 

To correct the incorrect we need to redirect the language a little bit, to reinstall the word truth for correctness.  Can we agree on that?  It has apparently been easier to get people to subscribe to government "truth" if we change the language just a bit.
I want to change it back and reinforce the language that perhaps might just "reinstall" meaningful truth.  Government truth would that all truth is moveable and is according to precedent law cases which by rote leads to opinion truth rather than absolute or, God truth.  So.  If you want ethics and morality to continue in its decline and feelings to have more weight than what is actually true then you should by all means, continue to be politically correct.  If,  on the other hand you see truth as the antithesis of the dialectical - that truth is not individually owned,  you should make a stand and be courageously politically INcorrect,

The political polarization is constricting the ability to think freely around issues that previously were moral issues but now are not seen from a moral or absolute vantage but now simply as individual opinion.  The unpopular and mostly unknown correctness around this issue is how in the long run - it will incrementally remove the very ability to be accountable - which is the very nucleus of what births freedom.
If one does not have a correctness that lives outside of him or herself there is then nothing to be accountable to.  Pretty obvious to see this as it pertains to government correctness is it not?  There is no accountable law anywhere,  genders - borders - and banking accountability is virtually nowhere to be found and the harder it is to find the more the government will try to supplant it by making up new laws to replace those already existing in the constitution that we the people have become too politically CORRECT to enforce.

Do moral obligations exist inside a politically correct construct?  Do the impetus of feelings drive our actions,  or,  should we be doing the RIGHT thing,
the morally CORRECT thing,  in spite of what we may FEEL?  As the moral discussion gives way to the dialectic and politically correct one,  the very ability to think inside of any kind of boundary ceases to exist and we become unable to have logical thoughts or actions based inside accountability because accounting itself ceases to exist right along with the truth that then becomes tyjust a matter of opinion.  Politically correct attention spans diminish commensurate to this depletion in accounting - thus virtually no one has read down this far because it was NOT entertaining.  It used to be that we were driven by facts and figures,  but now we are driven by an insatiable appetite for feel good fantasies and endearments that force out the need for conviction that points us into the world's largest room.  The room for improvement.  Of course when everyone's truth is the same - there IS NO room for anything but self,  and the spiraling depravity that consumes all those who see themselves as the owner of their own truth.

Two top politically correct words to stop using where they connote nothing real.

#1.  Feel - feelings.  Instead of using the word feel to delineate what you believe, use the word believe and let it stand on its own.  i.e.  I believe xyz vs I feel xyz.  This re- installs the ability to stabilize your thoughts and actually stop fantasizing about something and instead start to state only what is factual and meaningful and learned.  You will then find yourself being more careful about your conversations and they will suddenly have real meaning rather than being simply a likeness of or a similarity to what might be real.

#2. Like.  This word, 15 -20 years ago, used to be known as a word that very immature,  very young people used to express themselves.  Even at that time I was applled to hear it and tried to coach my step kids from using it.  Today it promotes the essence of never having to be accountable for ANYTHING that you might say because you never really have to SAY ANYTHING meaningful.  This is the very core of what pc tries to do.  Remove you from any real relative and meaningful fact and instead give you an "out" just in case someone's feelings got hurt.  Like,  you know, like uh, really,  you know  what Im saying.  This word breaks down the distinctive,  removes the moral boundaries and otherwise relieves the speaker from having to stir up the courage to speak a truth of any kind.

Two top politically incorrect words to start using again to reinstall accountability.

#1.  Absolute.  This word has no meaning and is repulsive to those that view life from a secular humanist viewpoint.  They spend their lives making sure that situational ethics completely remove this word and its relevancy.  Those of us that do believe there is an absolute are those that spend their lives trying to show people that freedom is a by-product of the accounting that will not happen unless there are actually empirical absolutes.  Truth is like art - it requires that you draw a line somewhere.

#2.  Masculine.  The television has indoctrinated us into a PC mindset via the removal of distinctions, especially that of gender.  The number one reason that feelings outweigh truth is in large part due to how TV has pushed the envelop of gender in-distinction to the place where the very word masculine relates only to authoritarianism - that place where in years of yore the buck actually stopped.  Not only does the buck not stop anymore,  those who watch television frequently have both feet planted firmly in mid-air and law is becoming non-enforceable via a mindset of post modernism.  By the way, a basic tenet of anyone with authority in a pc construct is repulsive, as truth is a requirement for an absolute yet,  there is nothing absolute when truth is simply relative.  What a wonderful way for those in government to make entry and tell us from their perspective what is correct.  What is true.  And, we have no men still masculine enough to deal with it and so incrementally those politically involved simply remove our ability to save the liberty ascribed to via the absolute laws in our constitution and the Bible itself.

Political Correctness is an Invisible Enforcement of Dialectical Truth

I believe that PC has removed the very definition of what truth is and thus our language itself languishes in a sea of opinion where truth is now simply opinion.  The problem of truth as opinion is that all truth when opinion means that truth is relative and thus is the same - in which case truth as something that creates accountability ceases to exist.  It becomes rather easy to understand then why the law of the land, our constitution is not upheld and the media is now "holding court".  The very roots of spirituality are grown in the soil of accountability and discipline and with out empirical absolutes,  that is,  a truth that does not move with in the concept of human ownership,  accounting ceases to exist and truth is simply relative.  The single worst thing that happens in this place is that no one holds any one accountable for anything and thus the depravity grows exponentially with each new generation where feelings and endearments overrule the absolute and the very meanings to our words are removed as is illustrated above with the words absolute and masculine.  Add to those the word obscene.  I believe that one of the reasons that we are seeing a downturn in economic growth is due to the way dialectical "truth" has removed accountability.  How many times have we all called a large company and not gotten an answer on the phone after 15 minutes on hold and then left a voice mail AND an email and they do not get back to you?  Do you ever wonder why?  Try to hold those folks accountable.
It becomes plainly evident why governments want to create their "own" truth as they simply can take advantage of the people they have taught to be accountably lax.

Historically Church and State was itself Politically Incorrect.

A great read on Church and State as it pertains to our recent history:
A great insight into Church and State that is overlooked via the push of the secular as the exclusive and only allowed form of governing and schooling.
Is it any wonder that accounting is disappearing both in economics and in morality?  Accounting requires absolutes.  The two are 100% intrinsic to each other
yet both are becoming politically incorrect.  This hands off the leadership in the churches, in schools, and in the government to those with a 100% secular
bent.  It also slings the door wide open for oppressive types of governing.

Dialectics, Truth and Accountability

The place where political correctness leads is that place where nothing matters,  where truth is just a matter of opinion and so, since opinions have replaced accountable truth,  we all seem to be pretty sure of ourselves but unsure of what truth is or if it even exists.  Could it be that we are so narcissistic that we do not even see beyond ourselves and our own "truth"?  Yet,  if we are God fearing and God is Truth how do we reconcile this new dialectical worldview that is God exclusive and thus removes the very ability to account for what we do via an unmoving solid truth that has nothing to do with us other than our knowing of it obedience to it?